Thursday 21 May 2020

You read
This and that and that and this
Stealing time from never-ending daily hunt
For the bloody bread and a shadow to live under
Chasing books from libraries after libraries
Walking, Cycling, traveling by buses after buses
Trains after trains
They commented you were a crank.
You wrote
That and this and this and that
Coaxing time to let lease some from never finishable obligations
For the bloody  bread and cheese, you need to comfort your  family formalities
Working nights after nights
Squatting, sitting, standing with aches and pains
Resting your back on unwashed walls
Pages after pages
They mentioned you were a freak
Some published
This and that and that and this
Utilising your time to filling their spaces to get a final shape
For the bloody money and honor, they bound to keep
Paying, praising, bossing with cool clever strategy;
Years after years.
They remarked you were a mercantile
You ceased
That and this and this and that
Writing nothing turn searching the tunnels of your mind
For the bloody craze and thirst, you need to quench
The thirst for meaning of a menial living,
Seeking, weeping, sleepless and foodless
to find the answers you need
Days after days
They confirmed you were extinct
You smile and continue